Non-Invasive Spinal Decompression

The SPINE4ORCE Protocol

Spine4orce Protocol is group of techniques specifically designed to repair damaged spinal discs without surgery. The Spine4orce Protocol at Riverside Chiropractic of NY PC is uniquely designed as a safe and natural alternative to drugs and invasive surgery for individuals suffering from neck or back pain. This protocol has been developed and researched by Dr. Caruso for the past several years and with hundreds of satisfied customers. 

The group is made up 4 techniques (Hence the 4 in Spine4orce ) that help reduce /eliminate spinal disc degeneration bulging and herniations. These techniques have all in their own merit the ability to help damaged discs. After many years of practicing these techniques Dr. Caruso put them together to work as whole. Dramatically increasing the odds to repair / eliminate spinal discopathy as discussed.

The group consists of 


Spinal manipulation and physical therapy modalities attended and unattended. Spinal manipulations will target subluxations which is misalignments of vertebra with the vertebra above or below causing nerve pressure thus decreasing the body’s function at that nerve root and producing discomfort and dis-ease in the body to those muscles ligaments and blood flow supplied by that nerve root. Simply addressing the misalignment will also help preparing the damaged disc area for the next techniques. To prepare the spinal segments for decompression and taking into consideration the severity of the condition we will utilize attended or unattended modalities which might or might not be extracorporeal shockwave, Teca therapy and BioWave Therapy. 


This state of the art equipment is the key part of the protocol. Gentle specific stretching at the core of the problem reducing disc dehydration and opening the area so your nerve can finally breath. Developed by a neurosurgeon this technology is groundbreaking and on its own merit has shown great success. We take it a step further and include other systems to speed up the healing and get you living a life without pain. 


Class IV laser penetrates deep into the tissue , now that your disc and surrounding tissue are breathing again the class IV laser comes into promote healthy tissue at the cellular level and speed up healing. 


Now to finish the job and help maintain all the holding elements of the spine We provide you with nutrient herbal supplements diet and Exercise. 

Spine4orce 360*

Includes adding Functional Medicine which includes adding a personalized detox cleanse to remove inflammation and reset all your organs and intestines. Totally extinguishing all your inflammatory cells in the body. Setting you up for a new you! Pain free and healthy. 

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